Prague Crossroads Wedding


Ledeburská garden wedding

Today I would love to share a few pictures of a young couple from Amsterdam which found their home in Prague.

Big wedding with all aspects I know from photogr

aphing weddings in the Netherlands. Pre-wedding dinner, big reception, and long and emotive ceremony. As a ceremony place, they chose one of the Prague Castle gardens – Ledeburská zahrada. Great place to welcome more than 100 guests with a magnificent overview of the Prague red rooftops.  The evening reception was held by Pražská křižovatka (Prague Crossroads) a church dedicated to our president Václav Havel who put this church back to life as a community and art center. Such a symbolic place to start a newlywed life in a new country.

ceremony venue: Ledeburska zahrada – palacove zahrady

reception venue:Prazska Krizovatka

catering: Maximum services

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