Eloping with a dog

Elopement in Italy

This couple decided to escape from the traditional wedding concept and instead of having a big wedding they traveled to Italy and tight the knot in a historical town of Silvi accompanied only by their Jack Russel Terrier.


I was the first person they contacted at the beginning of their wedding planning. Precisely that makes me always happy, because then I can help the couple with everything. After so many years in the wedding industry, I can help them to find the best wedding planner in the area they want to be married in and give tips on how to build up the day according to sunlight.

After a while, the place was set. The date was set. When I was about to book the trip to Italy I decided I will take my mom with me.  Not only because she is a hairdresser and she can make the wedding styling of the bride, but also because I want to take her on a little trip to Rome as this was something we wanted to do for years.When we all met in Silvi the night before the wedding,  we had an unexpected party in a beach bar and thank god they have listened to my time set recommendation and their ceremony was in the late afternoon the other day. Thanks to this we could relax and sleep at the beach the morning before and use the amazing sunsetting light later. I wish every wedding day can start by the beach!

wedding planner: Terrasun